
Study Abroad Housing Information

Studying abroad for spring
Studying abroad for fall
Studying abroad for entire academic year


Studying Abroad for Fall Semester
If you have applied to study abroad for the fall semester you should still apply for housing through the selection process. This will cover your housing just in case your abroad plans fall through. Once you are confirmed as an abroad student, you can inform Residence Life and we will remove your housing assignment and those charges will be removed from your bill.  The $250.00 housing deposit will be applied to your overall bill.  While abroad, you should contact the Residence Life Office, in November, to request housing for the spring semester.

Studying Abroad for Spring Semester
If you have applied to study abroad for the spring semester you will still be able to apply for housing through the selection process from your abroad location. The selection process takes places on-line either through email or a live on-line process.  All information will be shared to scranton.edu email accounts and posted on the Residence Life website.

Studying Abroad for Entire Academic Year
If you have applied to study abroad for the entire academic year you should still apply for housing through the lottery just in case your abroad plans fall through. Once you are confirmed as an abroad student, you can inform Residence Life and we will remove your housing assignment and those charges will be removed from your bill.  The $250.00 housing deposit will be applied to your overall bill.

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